How You Can Help


We are currently a Not for Profit organization and we are working on becoming a registered charity. Once we do we will be able to provide receipts for tax purposes. All support is greatly appreciated and goes directly to the care of the residents at Rubicon Ranch Sanctuary.

Monetary Gifts

Your gift allows us to provide the best care for our animal residents. Every gift, no matter how small, contributes to their wellbeing. We run this sanctuary with their care as our top priority.

You can use the button below or e-transfer to

Gifts in Kind

These are all welcomed and appreciated:

  • Feed Hay (square bales; round bales), Alfalfa cubes, Oats, Flax, rice bran, and hay feeders & nets, Straw bales (bedding & forage)

  • Supplements (vitamin and minerals; probiotics: and salt blocks)

  • First Aid Items (Vet Wrap; Bandages; anti-bacterial ointments),

  • Other Items Buckets (rubber feed; water), Blankets (all weights including rain sheets; all sizes), Good used tack, halters and leadlines & Grooming brushes and supplies.

  • Building and Fencing supplies


Your reoccurring sponsorship allows us to provide the best care for our animal residents.


$12 – a small 65lb square bale of hay (one horse requires 1 bale of hay every 2 days)

$20 to $25 – de-wormer paste for one horse (required 3 times a year)

$25-$32 – a bag of feed (one senior horse requires 1 bag of feed every week)

$30 – one round bale of straw (herd needs 15 straw bales per year for bedding)

$40 – hoof trimming for one horse (needed every 8 weeks)

$75 – vaccinations for one horse (needed annually)

$100 – one round bale of hay (Our herd eats 4 round bales every 10 days)

$225 – basic vet visit and annual check up for one horse

$278 – basic dental care (float) for one horse

$500 plus – emergency medical care

$1000 plus – special medical care (i.e. surgeries for gelding, health issues, etc.)

Get Involved - Learn More

It may be hard for some to believe that tens of thousands of horses are routinely slaughtered and shipped live for slaughter for human consumption.

Tell your friends and family about who we are and what we do. You can make an impact by educating yourself and sharing this sad truth about the fate of these majestic animals we deeply love.