Bitsy Tinkers’ Whimzee Emporium

A Bitsy Tinker Story

Long ago, before man arrived to tame and spoil the natural world, there lived Tinkers, a nomadic group of tiny crafters who travelled the world, making something from nothing, making good from bad, and sometimes, making art from things no-one needed anymore.
As mankind’s influence on the world grew, the freedom the Tinkers had to roam the globe shrank. But as the borders between the two worlds expanded, there was the rare opportunity for humans and Tinkers to glimpse each other and see a world that they could only dream of.
Naturally, the Tinkers were more frightened of the humans than we were of them, but every once in while, a person would happen upon a Tinker, or a Tinker would happen upon a human and curiosity would capture them both. And if the human was pure of heart, patient, and kind, the Tinker would talk to them. Sometimes this would develop into a friendship that would last for the rest of the human’s life. Tinkers are very long-lived so it was very unlikely that their human friend would ever outlive them.
If their human friend was especially curious and shared their appreciation for art and for beauty, the Tinker would teach the human their crafting ways. The art is always one-of-a-kind, always made by hand, and always designed with heart.
Bitsy Tinker is named for just such a friendship. It is a celebration of the joy of curiosity and the abundance that comes from generosity and an open heart.